PaySpan Security
The security of your data is paramount to PaySpan Health and Fidelis Care. PaySpan Health has developed a rigid infrastructure to ensure data integrity and security.
- Data security - Ensuring the security of data is central to the design of the security network.
- Physical security - Proximity card readers are used throughout production centers to control access based on job function. Cameras monitor and record all activity at all hours.
- Account management - Support center staff track all jobs and ensure that all transactions are processed accurately and efficiently.
- Quality Assurance procedures - The quality control function ensures that electronic transactions match standards approved by clients and that printed documents meet banking and postal standards.
- HIPAA competence - PaySpan is committed to meeting the requirements set forth in the HIPAA Privacy and Security Standards for the secure transmission, use and management of protected health information.
- Audits - PaySpan issues reports that may assist providers in evaluating the internal controls of PaySpan services.
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