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Community Services

Community Residential Services (CRS)

These services are offered if you have had a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or have been in a TBI waiver program.

The services are given in your home and include:

  • Chore services
  • Companion services
  • Night supervision
  • Personal care
  • Recreational activities
  • Transportation
  • Your CRS provider will arrange these services for you

Community Transition Services

This is financial aid to help cover the costs you may face when setting up your home after moving out of a medical institution and cannot afford them on your own.

Covered expenses include:

  • Any fees for arranging and managing your move
  • Installation of things to help you get around in your home (for example, a ramp or grab bars)
  • Moving costs
  • Necessary household items like furniture, food preparation tools and bed linens
  • Pest control and cleaning (one-time, when you first move in)
  • Security deposits to lease an apartment or house
  • Set-up fees for utilities (for example, electricity and phone)

    Your financial aid needs must be listed in your plan of care.

    Service limits include:

    • Does not cover vehicle modification
    • Financial aid cannot be used to buy TVs or other recreational items
    • Monthly rent/mortgage payments and utility bills are not covered
    • This service can only be used once in your lifetime
    • Total expenses cannot be more than $5,000