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Traumatic Brain Injury

Structured Day Program

These services are offered if you have had a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or have been in a TBI waiver program. Services are provided outside of your home in a one-on-one or group setting. The program will provide activities to help you become more independent and get back into your community.

Activities are aimed at improving your:

  • Attention skills
  • Completing tasks
  • Problem solving ability
  • Managing finances
  • Safety awareness

Supported Day Services

These services are offered if you have had a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or have been in a TBI waiver program. Services are meant to get you active in your community through:

  • Recreational activities
  • Shopping
  • Volunteering

A plan of care will be created for you that includes these kinds of activities, and you’ll do them with a health care professional one-on-one.

TBI Behavior Management (Group and Individual)

These services are offered if you have had a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or have been in a TBI waiver program and are experiencing severe anxiety or aggressive behavior that is dangerous to yourself or others. Services are provided in your home or a group setting with the goal of treating the behaviors and getting you back to an improved state.

To do this:

  • A first-time and on-going assessments will be done by a psychiatrist, neuropsychologist or neuropsychiatrist
  • A behavioral modification plan will be created and followed 
  • This service must be medically necessary