Behavioral Health
When to See a Doctor
Feeling hopeless? Sad? Helpless? Caring for your mental or behavioral health is important and will help you stay healthy. Fidelis Care has providers who can help you. Search for a provider right here on our website.
See your doctor if you have any of these symptoms or call our Nurse Advice Line at 1-800-919-8807 for the names and phone numbers of providers who can help:
- Always feeling sad
- Feeling hopeless and/or helpless
- Feelings of guilt or worthlessness
- Problems sleeping
- No appetite
- Weight loss or gain
- Loss of interest in the things you like
- Problems paying attention
- Being upset
- Your head, stomach or back hurts, and your doctor has not found a cause
- Drug or alcohol problems
As a reminder, you must get a prior authorization (PA) to see a provider who is not in our network. You will have to pay for the care if you do not.
Is This an Emergency?
Do you feel like you may be a danger to yourself or to other people? Do you think you may be in a behavioral health emergency? If so, you can call your primary care physician (PCP). Or you can call our Nurse Advice Line at 1-800-919-8807.
- Call 911
- Call an ambulance if you don’t have 911 in your area
- Go to the nearest hospital emergency room (ER) right away
Not sure what to do? Questions? Call the 24hr Crisis Hotline at 1-800-411-6485.
Important Things to Remember:
- You do not need to get a prior authorization (PA) for a behavioral health emergency.
- The doctor who gives you your ER care may think you need post-stabilization care to maintain, improve or resolve your medical condition (we cover this type of care without a PA).
- After you leave the hospital, you will need to see your PCP within 24 to 48 hours.
- The hospital where you get your ER care may be out of our service area and, if so, you will be taken to a network facility when you can travel again.
Are You Outside of the Member Area?
Call the number on your member ID card. Once you are stable, call your provider. They will make plans to move you to a facility that is in your network.